Wednesday, September 10, 2008

:: quick facts...

here's something i'm going to attempt to every day. it'll be a quick summary of random facts about what's going on in and around my day. let's get to it...

as i write, the time is :: 4:25 p.m.

the current outside temp. is :: 88°F

the current apartment temp. is :: 72°F

i'm currently located :: on the couch in the apartment.

there are currently no other people in the apartment.

currently on the tv :: seinfeld (the one with fucilli jerry, the assman, and the move)

i'm also currently browsing :: the relevant magazine forums

currently rambling around in my brain :: "ouch!" (i've had a headache most of the day)

currently listening to :: hymn and her -by earlimart

recently read passage of scripture :: mark 6

video of the day :: brought to you by hulu and dwight k. shrute.

and that's the first set of quick facts.

more to come...

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