Wednesday, September 10, 2008

:: hard hitting political analysis...

really, the only good news sources out there today, in my opinion, are found in two places. first, is npr (nation public radio, yes that one) and comedy central. that's right. i said it. a network whose schedule is full of stand-up comedians, foul-mouthed cartoons, and madtv is also one of the last great sources for news. i'm talking, of course, about satirical news anchors jon stewart and stephen t. colbert.

stewart is the more straight forward, "what the f***!" brand of analysis, while colbert takes a more hyperbole-ridden track, exposing the ridiculousness of politics by amping up his own ridiculousness. it's a brilliant hour, indeed.

a few videos caught my eye, so i thought i'd share some of them with you (with the help of hulu:

first, a video from stewart's "the daily show"

this video sums up what i love so much about jon stewart. he will call anybody on anything. he does what i'd love to do. i'm always thinking "well, you say that now, but what would you say if the shoe was on the other foot? what if this was you're guy, someone you supported? would you act the same way?" according to this video, apparently not. i like seeing people caught in their own web of words, something that would be difficult to wiggle out of, and stewart gives it to them in this one. my favorite: calling out "papa bear" bill o'reilly. that guy can get under my skin a lot, and it was great to see what a double standard he's got. he hates the celebrity types like the spears or hilton families and he really likes to point them out as "pinheads". just good to see he's consistent... in fact, it's good to see how consistent fox news' "fair and balanced" team really is....

here's another one:

again, stewart is going back and saying "hey wait a minute! that's not what you said when situations were reversed!" which is not something all to common in the mainstream news media. networks all spin a story one way or another. i see stewart consistently breaking things down and asking "what? seriously?"

here's a clip from colbert's "the colbert report":

another great clip. i love the picture of "mccain wrapped around the president." the brilliance of this one, like the rest, really speaks for itself.

i hope you laughed, no matter what point in the political spectrum you find yourself. sometimes people, myself included, get to wrapped up in politics to take a step back and laugh at the level of absurdity that can be reached by both sides. and that's really why "the daily show" and "the colbert report" are so important. not only do they point out things you might have missed, they're helping people see the silly side of politics, a side that can glossed over by fancy graphics and talking points far too often.

more to come....

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