Thursday, November 13, 2008

:: hypothetical situation of the week

i'm reading chuck klosterman iv by (you guessed it) chuck klosterman. in the second half of his book, he poses hypothetical situations before each of the chapters. each hypothetical in some way relates to what is discussed in the following article/chapter. i really like them. so, i figured it would be interesting to post them here and get a response from you, my friend the reader. i'll try to post one a week until we run out or people stop answering.

let's start with a hypothetical entitled the two motives, a precursor to chuck klosterman's article bonds vs. america.

think about your life.

think about the greatest thing you have ever done, and think about the worst thing you have ever done.

try to remember what motivated you to do the former, and try to remember what motivated you to do the latter.

how similar are these two motives?

so, what's your response?

more to come... from you hopefully.

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